A stitch in the space time continuum
Wonderment in the face of the light, the life and the way of truth. Serious questions and harsh realities are here, are you looking? Soon (tomorrow) my love and I head south toward Toulouse and Spain, then onto Morocco. Here in the land of Paris we have been exploring much of the land, but it seems intense magnification of habits and tendencies have dominated the airspace. And we have not posted for a while, mayhaps we have been living more in the world then in this virtual domain?
I have recorded a little music and committed myself to a practice with more depth. We have watched movies and played games, been like children in the garden of trickery and tomfoolery. And all of you who read this, I have no doubt I love you. See you soon
oh and remember the value of having this gift of life: it slowly passes often beneath our level of awareness, embrace each moment friends for they are all you have here. Worth more then money and things, comfort and safety all things, let them go and let it all flow.
ps Gordon I dare you to find a spelling error
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